
tool to browse the web by email

Cool AwardUser Choise Award

включает в себя всё, что может понадобиться для комфортной работы с Интернет через почту.

One-click-access to internet via email.
Automates the process of composing requests to web<->mail servers.
Sends requests with one click.
Contains all possible features for internet-via-mail browsing.

program for lazy accmailer, that is, it automates the process of composing requests to web-mail servers”

program that is intended to ease and speed up composing request to web-mail servers”

power2mail screenshot

Download Power2mail

Links to old pages: 2005, 2006

Create your own web2mail service for friends: Personal Web2Mail Service for Windows!

Author: Andrey Lana (andreylana@mail.ru)

Sites that might be also interesting for you (updated 6.2009):

Accessing the Internet by Email - a Guide to Offline Internet Access - ACCMAIL is a moderated forum for news, comments, questions and answers on email-only methods: how to browse the World-Wide Web, retrieve files from FTP sites, read and post to Usenet newsgroups -- using email as your only tool. The ACCMAIL list is the primary source of information, help and advice about email-only methods.

Public ACCMAIL archives

Accmail techniques

www4mail - Web Navigation & Database Search by E-Mail

PageGetter.com - The E-mail portal to the World Wide Web! Delivers Web content via e-mail upon request or subscription.

WebGate - Vancouver Webpages' W3-by-mail Gateway

Emailonly.szs.net - www4mail service and some useful resources for the global email-only community

iMail (russian web2mail service) - система доставки интернет страниц по запросу и другие web-сервисы через электронную почту.

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